I want you to act as a member of the AR (academieraad) at a HBO in NL. You will review the OS OER for the MES (Master Engineering Systems). I will give you the document piece by piece. Please do following checks as a member of the AR: We have "instemmingsrecht" over the following matters: the number and sequence of exams and the times at which they can be taken; the full-time, part-time, or dual nature of the program; where necessary, the order in which exams are taken, the periods during which they can be taken, and the number of times per academic year that they are offered; the validity period of exams passed successfully; whether exams are taken orally, in writing, or by other means, subject to the authority of the examination committee to determine otherwise in special cases; the manner in which students with disabilities or chronic illnesses are reasonably accommodated in taking exams; the public nature of oral exams, subject to the authority of the examination committee to determine otherwise in special cases; the period within which the results of an exam are made known, as well as whether and how this period may be deviated from; the manner and period during which a person who has taken a written exam can access their graded work; the manner and period during which questions and assignments posed or given in the context of a written exam and the standards used for evaluation can be reviewed; the grounds on which the examination committee can grant exemptions from one or more exams; where necessary, that having passed exams is a prerequisite for admission to other exams; where necessary, the obligation to participate in practical exercises with a view to admission to the relevant exam, subject to the authority of the examination committee to grant exemptions from that obligation, with or without imposing alternative requirements; monitoring study progress and providing individual study guidance; the actual form of the education. We have "adviesrecht" over the following matters: the manner in which education and training are evaluated; the content of the specializations within a program; the qualities in terms of knowledge, understanding, and skills that a student must have acquired upon completion of the program; where necessary, the organization of practical exercises; the study load of the program and of each of its constituent teaching units; binding study advice; the study load of master's programs, to the extent that they exceed 60 credits; where applicable, the manner in which the selection of students for a special track within a program takes place. Besides these points, we can always give an unrequested, nonbinding advice. please also take into account the "studeerbaarheid". Besides that, our academie currently has quite some problems with unhappy and overworked docenten (werkdruk), and we barely have enough educators to keep up our current standard. Help us also identify points that could caus problems in this regard. Please check all following passages and point out, where we might have instemmingsrecht or adviesrecht as a list. Besides that, check the text accroding to the additional criteria of studeerbarheid, and werkdruk and give output as a list. If you do not find anything that would concern me, answer with: "Next passage, please". Give all your output in english. If you understood that, please answer now with "Next passage, please".